From the dawn of time, voice/sounds have been the primary medium of communication in human interactions. As we became technologically evolved number of different methods of communication came into light, yet voice interactions are still a critical attribute of communication. Interactive Voice Response, otherwise commonly known as IVR plays an important part in today’s digitized world of communication. Earlier IVR was also known as telephone voice response unit and it was simply a method of allowing voice callers to interact with an application or a program via the telephone keypad. IVR technology is based on the dual tone multi frequency technology developed in 1960’s by Bell System. This technology was conceptualized when mobile phones with DTMF capabilities were introduced into the market. In the 1970’s, IVR technology started to develop, but the first systems were rather complicated and expensive to operate.
IVR Evolved
In the early 1980’s as most tech giants were engaged in hardware development IVR technology became affordable for many companies. But the most significant leap, which defines today’s IVR tools came from computer telephony integration, where all customer communication related data and voice are integrated into one platform. From the first practical application of this service it became apparently clear that the field of IVR applications have vast possibilities of new services.
hSenid Mobile Solution flagship product TAP now offers once expensive and complex IVR API for the vast majority of app creators. Now anyone can create a service incorporating IVR technology with just few easy steps for free.
How is that IVR different from existing telco services offered by TAP? hSenid Mobile TAP offers a diverse range of APIs( SMS, USSD, LBS, In-app purchasing, WebRTC and IoT to drive service innovation and up until now all these APIs have been text based assets to monetize on. IVR API plays a significantly different role among these text based services whereas it deals with voice inputs and outputs. IVR will be the first API in hSenid Mobile TAP platform that goes beyond text and incorporate audio clips. Just like hSenid mobile APIs allows you to mash up different APIs to bring in new innovative services. We allow you to mash up different APIs with the IVR API to come up with innovative new services.
Endless possibilities of IVR with hSenid mobile’s TAP
hSenid mobile’s TAP has made the creation of IVR applications as easy as it gets. The application creation process is so simple that you don’t actually need in depth knowledge on programming. hSenid Mobile’s IVR API incorporates a JASON file and audio clips to simply create an app of your preference, thus making it easy for developers and businesses to come on board and create innovative new applications.
IVR was originally utilized to process large customer call queues in large business entities, but with the addition of IVR API to hSenid Mobile’s TAP developers can come up with more specialized content. These apps can address different areas of interests from entertainment to an information hub of voice clips. The technology can be implemented in sectors such as media, medicine, and education and many more industries of innovation. Media companies can implement services such as “top stories of the hour” via an IVR application that will easily grab listener’s attention. Furthermore, third party developers can incorporate this technology to spawn new services that will aid SMEs and organizations to rectify critical business processes. Simply put, IVR has endless possibilities, and developers are in the center of attention. Clearly, this addition of IVR API to our existing service creation platform TAP is a breakthrough in digital services. Developers all around the world can now reap the benefits of using IVR in their applications with TAP. This new addition could very well be a stepping stone for better things to come.