WEBRTC; The Future of Service Provider- Customer Communication

WebRTC is an open-source project started by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that enables developers to embed peer-to-peer real-time communications capabilities into supported web browsers for voice calling, video chat, and P2P file sharing without the need of either internal or external plugins. It is easy to see why even the most basic WebRTC…

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IOT in Telco Space

Blending Telco and IoT: The telcos play a vital part in this large network of M2M applications and communications. M2M devices require a specific mode to be embedded or linked to it, so that it can communicate with other applications through the network. This is where telcos come in handy ! The telco has the…

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Team Siplo discuss about their experience at TADHack Sri Lanka 2016

hSenid Mobile hosted TADHack Sri Lanka for the third consecutive time this year The competition was intense among the teams with unique ideas. However, among the very innovative ideas, only 17 teams were selected for the final hackathon. Team Siplo was one of the lucky contestants at TADHack Sri Lanka 2016 held in Colombo. The…

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Apps Making Money – Post TADHack Momentum

TADHack Sri Lanka 2014 which was held on 6th-7th June2014 at Dialog Future World, offered an international platform for Sri Lankan Telco developers to showcase the Telco App market of SL . Extrogene who became the 2nd Runner-Up at TADHack SL 2014 is doing great with their app Offerhut, generating quick revenue. At the event,…

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TAP Application Development with Node

The significance of NodeJS: The programming languages used by developers are truly something that is dynamic. State-of-the-art languages come so often replacing those that exist. JavaScript is arguably the language which runs on most computer systems since it’s the language of the browsers and since there is a huge community of JavaScript developers and a…

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Payments in Future

Since consumers are now surrounded by a wealth of technology and expect businesses to lead the way with innovation. Many organizations have finally realized that the key to success in this digital world is to evolve continuously to remain competitive. Similarly, most banks and financial institutions are trying to better understand the disruptive potential of…

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