Over the years communication has been an ever evolving piece of technology. From the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell to making calls through Skype, evolution has taken place in this sphere and it will only continue to evolve. The latest evolution in communication is WebRTC (Web Real Time Communication). What is WebRTC?…

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How Telcos can Craft their Own Space in the App Economy

How Telcos can Craft their Own Space in the App Economy As we speak, the App Economy is on the rise developing at a fast pace and mobile handset manufactures have swept nearly all the share of the app market, partly due to the pioneering advantage and the head start they had at the time.…

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Increasing ROI in Mobile Apps

It’s not a surprise that analysts predict consumers to spend $87 billion on purchases made from mobile devices in 2014. It is said that 80% of the time consumers shop on their devices is through an app. The real question is, how each of us can grab a portion of this revenue generated from applications.…

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Can your Bank become the Bank of the future?

The Banking industry is rapidly changing and the biggest paradigm shift that has occurred is the move to digitalizing-banks only. With the combination of data and advanced analytics allow Banks to build personalized relationships that could be more powerful than ever possible.The world is going through the biggest transformations- The FinTech revolution. The FinTech revolution…

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hSenid Mobile announces the new mission and tagline

hSenid Mobile is a subsidiary of the hSenid group of companies. hSenid celebrated its 20 years of innovation in 2017 and incidentally was recognized as 5th most prestigious export brand of Sri Lanka. hSenid Mobile is engaged with many of the leading companies throughout the world, empowering digital transformation for business. hSenid Mobile has now…

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The Rise of Digital Bank

Banking and financial institutes have been struggling to join the digital disruption over the past couple of years. Although most of the traditional banks offer their customers high-quality websites/ mobile apps, a truly digital experience is not merely an additional feature but a fully integrated digital experience in which customers use their smartphones or tablets…

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