Weather station under $10

The objective of this blog is to motivate developers to start experimenting with programmable electronics and sensors, ultimately taking them to a point where they are comfortable doing their own IoT mashups. The components required for the weather stations are simple and minimal. I have given the eBay link for each item.   Temperature &…

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Five critical elements an intelligent Telco analytical platform should have

1. Flexible Data Aggregation covering whole customer base The platform should be flexible enough to aggregate any type of data through any kind of inbound channel having unlimited dynamic parameter definition to perform effective Data Aggregation. 2. In-depth insights to Customer Behavioral Patterns & Trends Ability to analyze customers and their behavioral patterns individually to…

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IVR, The latest addition to hSenid mobile APIs

From the dawn of time, voice/sounds have been the primary medium of communication in human interactions. As we became technologically evolved number of different methods of communication came into light, yet voice interactions are still a critical attribute of communication. Interactive Voice Response, otherwise commonly known as IVR plays an important part in today’s digitized…

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Widening the app creation spectrum to win at digital disruption

Looking at the vast technological disruptions in this era, it is no secret that APIs play a major role in innovating breakthrough business models. However, just opening up APIs itself will not help telcos to conquer digital transformation bringing in new revenues for themselves; it’s the services that are built on top of them that…

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Do APIs really make money?

Many businesses have been trying to get into the “API-Fication” process over the course of past couple of years and many tech giants have been trying to join the journey ever since. Telcos were also trying to be a part of this paradigm shift with hope that it will double their revenues. Nevertheless, only a…

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